How To Stay Safe From Tornadoes, Thunderstorms And Hail

Tornado safe room

Weather is one of the few elements of nature mankind cannot control. As such, it lands on responsible individuals and families to ensure they keep themselves safe in light of a severe storm or tornado. These extreme weather patterns cost millions of dollars in property damage and see hundreds of lives lost every year. An above ground storm shelter will do more than keep your home safe — it will safeguard your livelihood and your loved ones.

What Is The Difference Between A Wind Storm And A Tornado?

While a wind storm can cause significant damage, such as falling trees and broken phone lines, a tornado is a unique class. A tornado is a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from an ongoing thunderstorm — as it reaches the ground it creates whirling winds that can reach up to 300 miles per hour. The damage paths of tornadoes are known to be one mile wide or so, with some cases reaching as long as 50 miles. Because of the propensity for extreme damage, an above ground storm shelter or tornado safe room is essential to stay out of harm’s way.

How Bad Can Thunderstorms Get?

Weather patterns take on many different shapes and sizes. While some can prove relatively harmless, there’s little incentive to take on a chance that could cost you. A thunderstorm is considered severe if it produces hail that is at least one inch in diameter as well as wind gusts of 58 miles per hour or higher. Although lightning fatalities have decreased over the past 30 years, lightning is still one of the top three storm-related killers known in the United States — on average lightning will kill 51 people per year as well as injuring hundreds.

How Do These Weather Patterns Happen?

Scientists and environmentalists regularly analyze weather patterns to shed light on these disastrous events. Three basic ingredients have been found to create a basic thunderstorm — moisture, rising unstable air (air that continuously rises when nudged) and a lifting mechanism to provide the nudge in the first place. Flash flooding is responsible for many fatalities in the United States, as much as 140 on a yearly basis, and is one of the top three most dangerous occurrences.

How Can I Stay Safe?

Whether you’re faced with a thunderstorm or a potential tornado, an above ground storm shelter is necessary to reduce the danger ahead. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average lead time for tornado warnings in any given area is only 13 minutes — while they are most likely to occur between 3 pm and 9 pm, a tornado can still crop up at any time. Tornado shelters are built to withstand even the most brutal of weather conditions and can mean the difference between life or death in extreme cases. If you’re not sure whether or not your home is built to withstand a storm, contact a construction professional and ask them about crafting an above ground storm shelter. When it comes to hail and thunderstorms, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
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