What are air cooled heat exchangers? Watch this video to find out.
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers offer the lowest operating costs, longest life, highest reliability, and least maintenance, of any of our systems. Fans draw fresh air through a finned-tube heat exchanger.
As hot process fluid flows through the tubes, it rejects heat to the ambient air. The cooled fluid cycles back to the facility, and the heated air is discharged into the surrounding atmosphere. Induced-draft air-cooled heat exchangers use fans to pull air across the heat exchanger tubes. Forced-draft air-cooled heat exchangers use fans to push air across the heat exchanger tubes. Air-cooled heat exchangers can be configured so the air flows vertically upward or horizontally. Air-cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs), sometimes called air coolers, are used in refineries, petrochemical plants, gas treating plants, compressor stations, power plants, and other facilities.