Using too much energy leads to increasingly high monthly bills. No homeowner wants to see their money go solely to energy costs. However, it’s easy to wonder how to go about making your home more efficient. Understanding how to increase the efficiency of your home leads to less energy consumption. You will find ideas ranging from small changes to larger projects. All of these tips will help you save a lot of money per month. Here are four tips for making your home more energy efficient.
Air Conditioning Replacement
One of the most common sources of energy loss in a home is the air conditioner. This device is made to properly control the temperature within your home. Adjusting the temperature of a home can cost a lot of money without the right AC unit. An air conditioning replacement gives you a newer unit made to be more efficient. Newer air conditioning systems operate at a lower level of power. Research shows that air conditioning units consume about 50% less power than these devices did in 1990. An air conditioning replacement is a great way to decrease energy costs.
Energy Efficient Lighting
It’s understandable to not want to make changes to the lighting of your home. However, an often hidden cost on monthly bills comes from lighting. Recent innovations help to ensure lights operate at a higher level of efficiency. One burden of a home is constantly having to replace light bulbs in every room. Energy efficient lights use less power and last much longer than traditional bulbs. Energy efficient houses make use of every possible outlet to reduce energy consumption.
Having a Tankless Water Heater Installed
A tankless water heater may seem like you are getting an inferior product. However, traditional water heaters are known to use a lot of power to operate properly. A tankless water heater does not keep hot water stored around the clock. These devices send cooled water to the unit where it is heated. A tankless water heater is often called a demand heater because it heats water on demand.
Make Use of Low Flow Appliances
The largest use of water in the home is the toilet. You don’t want to just stop flushing your toilet. However, there is a way to lower the energy cost per flush by installing a low flow toilet. Low flow appliances are very popular in energy efficient homes. Low flow showerheads are another way to reduce energy costs, especially in the bathroom. Many homeowners find a low flow showerhead still delivers a great shower experience.
Here are a few extra tips to reduce energy usage within your home. Following these tips with the ones mentioned above will drastically reduce how much energy you use.
In closing, there are many ways to make your home more energy efficient. An air conditioning replacement is a major source of savings for a homeowner. Newer AC units keeps your home cooler and uses less power. Small steps can lead to great amounts of energy savings. Energy efficient lights require changing out far less than traditional lighting options. A water heater is a major source of energy costs. Tankless water heaters heat a home without constantly having to warm up water. Low flow appliances use less water which is helpful for reducing utility costs. Combining the previously mentioned methods will ensure you have an energy efficient home.