We live in a brightly lit world but it hasn’t always been this way. Though we might take all of these lights for granted, the truth is that for most of the world’s history dark was dark and light was light and had very little say in the matter. There was no george kovac lighting or fontana arte lighting or dimond lighting or modern recessed lighting or leucos lighting any lighting at all. We lived in a world that was dictated entirely by the natural light that we could get and that was it. For many of us, this kind of world is incredibly difficult to imagine. We are so used to flicking a switch and turning on a light that we forget that the ability to do so is the farthest thing from natural. It’s actually incredibly unnatural and it’s something our very recent ancestors wouldn’t be able to imagine if they tried. So how did we get here and where might we be going? Also, how does this world affect us and how has it’s development affected the development of other, similar inventions? Well, there are many answers to those questions but none of them are particularly easy. They are all interconnected, that’s for sure, and they range from the gamut from simple to exceedingly complicated. But, at the very least, they are all important somewhat interesting.
George Kovac lighting and the past
The world of the past was very different than the world we have now, as we’ve established. There was no George kovac lighting or any sense that power or light was even something most of humanity deserved. It’s a strange thought but bear with me for a moment. Let’s revisit a small village in rural France during the thirteen hundreds to see how they lived. It might surprise you to learn just how different and yet similar these groups of people are to ourselves. They are still human, after all, and so they did the same things we all do. Even if they were a little behind us on the technological curve, as we are to some future people who will no doubt look at us the same way. They gossiped and fell in love, though their conception of love might have been a little different. They still fought and had new ideas and woke up every morning to the same sun. It wasn’t their routines that were that different. It was their whole entire system of living. Their lives were strictly dictated by the rise and fall of the sun and the rhythm of the seasons. They had no sense of power over these large systems and they knew they were subordinate to them. Night, darkness, storms, these were all much scarier because they had to be. There was no getting rid of them like we try and do now.
How we live, how we could live
These people, they weren’t so different than us, even if they didn’t have George Kovac lighting. But, of course, now we do have lighting and plumbing and all other sorts of amenities that people in ancient France couldn’t possibly have imagined. This begs the question than of what we might have in the future that we don’t have. What sorts of lighting or plumbing or beautifully small inventions might change our lives in ways we may never imagine? Will we need artificially changing lighting in some future space habitats? Will we need to simulate the feel of air and flowing water for homes deep underground? How will these shadow people of the future remember us?
How we’ve changed in a short time
These aren’t the only questions we can ask ourselves either. We can also ask ourselves how the development of the world we live in now has changed us. We can choose to focus on the present in order to better understand the past and the future all at once. We certainly seem to feel more powerful now than we did back then. We see ourselves as masters of nature. But will we always? Will expanding into space reduce this? Only time will tell the full and complete story.