Remodeling your home is a great way to make it more to your taste, to help update things so that they are better fitted to your needs, and to help increase the resell value of your home. Home build designs often focus on larger rooms like the kitchen, but great bathroom renovation packages are a wonderful thing that can make that shared space a bit easier to use and more your style. When you do decide that you are ready to remodel, you want to make sure that you are looking at secondary bathroom ideas and, if you can, consulting bathroom remodeling pros to help make the process easier overall.
Your bathroom is a great place to start if you are looking to make some changes or if you are looking to do a remodel. If you have a bathroom under construction, it is always best to take the time to make sure you are making sure that you are making changes that are going to improve your home. It is always a great idea to look at other ideas that you might find and to take the time to really make sure you find the tips that are going to work for you.
If you are redoing your home, this is the perfect time to create a custom bathroom design that caters to your needs and personal style. According to the annual Cost vs. Value Report done by Remodeling Magazine, remodeling your bathroom is a smart investment. The average cost of a bathroom remodel of $16,128 will recoup about 72.5% of those costs when it’s time to put your home on the market. You should also consider the immediate effect your new bathroom will have on your life, because you will feel comfortable and accomplished when the project is complete.
It’s important to spend a lot of time planning the perfect features for your new custom bathroom design — the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) recommends spending up to six months evaluating and planning before beginning work. Bathroom remodeling includes lots of details, like bathroom vanity design and custom cabinetry. You might want to consult with a professional designer who can walk you through the steps of designing your new room and who can make sure contractors and installers are scheduled in an orderly fashion. If you’re wondering what the first steps are in custom bathroom design, keep reading for some things to think about before starting your project.
1. Locate pipes and water lines in your house
- Installing new plumbing fixtures near existing plumbing pipes saves time and effort spent on demolition and cuts down on costs of reconstruction. It can significantly increase your budget if you have to reroute the plumbing, so discuss with your designer ways to integrate the plans for your new bathroom with the location of your current one.
2. Look into certified cabinetry
- Certified cabinets are a great investment because they survive exposure to humidity and temperatures ranging from …5 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit without showing signs of blistering, discoloration, or other damage. This can be a great investment in the long run because if you have to replace your cabinets a few years down the road, you will have to begin another construction project.
3. Learn about water efficient technology
- Modern toilets, showers, vanities and baths can be water efficient as well as functional. These new fixtures can be just as classy and tasteful (if not more so) than older models which waste water and cost more money. You will also save money in the future by reducing your water bill, and you can feel good about lessening your impact on the environment.
4. Install custom designed cabinets
- Traditional cabinets aren’t always user friendly and don’t offer the most effective storage options. They can get messy and it can be hard to locate items in poorly lit areas. Today’s cabinets have much better designs that are created with the user in mind, and they include things like full extension roll-out shelves so you won’t scrape your knuckles as you reach for items buried deep in back.
5. Don’t skimp on countertops
- The countertop for your bathroom vanity is one of the most important things in your new bathroom because it is the surface that is subject to the most wear and tear. Invest in a strong, well made, durable countertop that will stand up to the test of time. Durable countertops can also have stunning aesthetic appeal, so choose something that reflects your unique style.