One of things that you can count on in modern life is that the unexpected can occur at any moment. If you were ever in scouts you learned the motto , be prepared. This does not only apply to setting up for camping explorations and other outdoor excursions, but also for everyday life. There are hundreds of things that can happen everyday that can push us out of or comfortable schedules and routines. If the the unexpected was to happen to you or your family today, would you be ready to adapt to the situation. Uncertain times call for the best preparations. While there has been quite a bit of press about those of us that go to the extremes making preparations, such as hoarding food, fuel and ammunition, the truth is much can be learned from the extreme survivalist. Granted, the scenarios of mega volcanoes and foreign invasion have fairly low probabilities of happening, but every year there is at least one large natural or man made occurrence that can easily be prepared for. If your family happened to lose power in a storm or a flood, what would you do. Do you have enough nonperishable food and water saved to wait out the time it takes for normal order to be restored. It is important to keep these questions in mind. Below you will find some tips to keep your family prepared for anything that nature or humanity can throw your way.
Make Sure to Have an Adequate Stock of Emergency Food and Water
We have all probably seen the long lines at groceries, people rushing to prepare for foul weather, after hearing that it is coming in the next day. Instead of being caught up in the throng of last minute preppers, you should makes sure that your home always has a small stock of emergency supplies available. Depending on the experts, the consensus is that you should have at least a weeks worth of food, water and other essentials, such as toilet paper and medical supplies on reserve in your home. If you have a cellar it is the perfect place to store canned goods and other non perishable items. When it comes to water there are several options for saving water for emergencies. Many people just have distilled water saved away while others keep potable water pouches that are easily storable and have a long shelf life, the choice depends on how much room you have in your home. Remember, the key to good preparation is thinking ahead.
Consider Buying Standby Generators or Whole House Generators
It is easy to take for granted how much we as a culture rely on electricity. Without electricity we have no phones, no computers and no internet. In essence the electric grid keeps us in contact with another. This is why it is important to consider other power sources in case an emergency strikes. It isn’t common for the power grid to be down several days or even weeks depending on the scale of the emergency, in order to stay connected you will need to find a way to power your devices, whether that is a phone or a heating source for food or warmth. Depending on the size and type, generator installation can be fairly simple and can often times not require professional generator installers. There many different types of generators that run on fuel or even solar power. By having this extra emergency preparation you can extend your survival time and comfort by quite a large degree.
Planning and Practice are Essential to Your Emergency Plan
Think back to your school days where you had the regular fire drills. The purpose of the drill is twofold, to ingrain the participants with the information so that it becomes second nature and to avoid panic through regular practice. No matter if you are riding out the emergency in your home or if you are evacuating the area, make sure that you take time, at least twice a month, to run through your plans. Each family member should know what their responsibilities are in any scenario. For information about emergency preparedness contact your local Red Cross chapter.