One of the most important parts of landscaping is determining the location and design of driveways and walkways, as well as the types of mulch used. While many people prefer shredded bark, sidewalks, and paved driveways, landscaping rocks and gravel are also excellent choices, and can tie in nicely with the overall appearance of the landscaping designs.
Marble chips are a popular choice for mulch in flower beds and around trees, and for drainage beneath downspouts and next to building foundations. The classic white appearance of marble chips is very aesthetically pleasing, and bring a unified look to the area.
Crushed stone gravel is the most common type of gravel for use in driveways and walkways. Due to its straight edges, crushed stone is ideal for layering, as the pieces will lock together and resist shifting. Crushed stone gravel is also commonly used in concrete and drainage systems, prevents puddles from forming, and is unlikely to wash away.
Homeowners who prefer more decorative stones may opt for pea gravel. Pea gravel has rounded edges, and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. Its smooth surface makes it a popular choice for patios, playgrounds, and decorative paths, as well as a liner in ponds and other water features. Pea gravel and river rocks are less stable to walk on, so they are best used in low-traffic paths in case of slips and falls.
In addition to their various uses in landscaping, gravel and sand are used in roofing shingles, water filtration systems, and as traction on icy winter roads. While more organic mulch types are the subject of most landscaping discussions, it’s important to consider inorganic mulches and other ground cover when weighing your options for landscaping designs. Crushed stone and pebbles have a lot to offer and you should not neglect them when deciding which ground cover is right for your yard.