The saying “so long as there’s a roof over your head” is one that is always taking figuratively. That is until there is an actual leak in your roof that leads you down the path of needing roof repair. Then, your saying suddenly becomes more literal than anyone wants to deal with. When you buy your home you don’t think about all of the situations that could come up and all of the problems that could require a fix sooner than you’d think. When you’re looking for roofers to do your dirty work and provide roof repair GAF Roofing Company could be just the thing you need to make you more competent in your roof. Here are just a few of the reasons as to why calling GAF roofing company should be on your list of things to do.
Water Damage
An inch of rainfall could mean that there are 1500 gallons of water pouring down on your roof with haste. Could you imagine dumping this much water over something continuously for years? Over time this much water can do great damage to your roof and cause it to become damaged and faulty. While your gutters may protect it by quilling the rain, it doesn’t mean that the constant beating that your roof takes aren’t doing damage to them as well. Water damage is a common problem with roofs and they lead to problems and leaks that you can’t simply patch up easily.
Old age
You might be thinking that people grow old, how does that apply for roofs? Well, depending on the area you live in and what the weather is like throughout the year, your roof is only going to last anywhere from 5 to 6 or 10 to 12 years depending on the damage it endures from the weather conditions around you. While this may not sound like old age, considering what your roof goes through on a daily basis, your roof can grow old and wear out just like your favorite pair of jeans does from all of the bending and moving you do in them. With so many harsh conditions that your roof goes through it isn’t going to be able to last forever.
Improving the value of your home
Remodeling Magazine reported recently that adding a new roof to your home could up the value of your home by upwards of $1200. With an additional value placed on your home your home equity goes up and your house could be worth more. When you make any sort of improvements to your home the value on it rises but with a new roof from GAF roofing company you could not only find the value increasing but your ability to rely on your home increasing as well.
Lower your heating bills
Placing a new roof on your home could reduce your heating bill by 30% by keeping the heat within your home and not allowing it to sneak out due to small cracks and other drafts that might be sucking the consistency of heat out of your home. By putting in a new roof you are able to save more on bills and to use that money for more important things, like a well needed vacation.
Even if putting a new roof on your house isn’t one of your top priorities at least having your roof checked should be at the top of your list. Considering that your roof is one of the most important assists to your home and to keeping the rain out and the heat within your walls contacting GAF roofing company could be one of the best things you do for your family today. Contacting the roofing contractor to at least come out and inspect your roof to be sure that it is sound and solid could save you money in the long run and keep you from having water damage that destroys any of your possessions.
If this isn’t enough to convince you to contact them, the warrantee that comes long with their projects will