The best advice to give a homeowner about flooring is to choose vinyl. Vinyl flooring is better than laminate flooring for a variety of reasons. One reason it’s the better choice is that it’s more waterproof. That feature can come in handy when one of your children or guests spills something on the floor. There are so many options for vinyl flooring when you’re considering home floor installation as well. You’ll never run out of ideas or styles because of how broad the field of vinyl flooring is. You’ll have options such as black and grey vinyl flooring if you want a conventional or elegant look. Alternatively, you could choose the best vinyl roll flooring in more vibrant color.
Vinyl tiles can go almost anywhere, too. They can go in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or even in the living room. They are most suitable in the kitchen, however. You can spice up your kitchen with the best vinyl tiles for kitchen use in a variety of different styles. There are many more amazing reasons to choose vinyl flooring for yourself. These were just a few of the most prevalent ones, but you will be a very happy person if you select vinyl flooring for your next project.
In the U.S. the vinyl flooring industry grew 1.1% annually from 2009 to 2014. The entire industry has an annual revenue of $14 billion. Homeowners are beginning to see the benefit of quality vinyl flooring. Learning how to pick floors, where to get quality discount flooring, what floor types you should be looking for, how to install it and where to go for all your flooring needs are the necessary keys to getting a new, great quality floor in your home.
Vinyl flooring is a popular trend because installing vinyl flooring is generally an easy do it yourself project. DIY projects are constantly increasing in popularity, 42% of U.S. homeowners are currently planning DIY home improvement projects, many of them will include installing vinyl flooring, tile flooring, linoleum flooring, rubber flooring or a hardwood floor installation. The number of people participating in do it yourself home improvement projects has increased by 7% since 2012. The trend is constantly growing, making it even more vital that homeowners can find the information they need to complete their projects easily. In 2012, a study was conducted that found 54% plan on installing hardwood or vinyl flooring in their homes.
Different types of floors work best in certain rooms in your house as well. If you’re looking to replace kitchen flooring then you may be happiest with tile flooring. If you are replacing bathroom flooring, tile or vinyl flooring are usually ideal. Hardwood flooring is great for a living room or a den. Rubber flooring usually works nicely in a work shop or a kid’s play room. Knowing what type of floor you need for your rooms is an important first step to choosing a floor wisely.
Finding quality discount flooring is not as difficult as one may think. Many stores now specialize in flooring, making it easy for you to find someone knowledgeable who can help you figure out what kind of floor installation plan is in your best interest.
This is also helpful when looking for tile flooring ideas. Vinyl flooring offers many different designs, shades, etc. These types of specialty stores will help you to get an idea of the different options available, allowing you to obtain your most desired floor.
Having a consultant is in your best interest. Flooring companies offer many great salesmen on their floors that have an abundant knowledge of floors and the installation process. Even if you are choosing to install your own floor, having someone to consult with could be the difference between success and disaster with your installation.