A Maryland-area remodeling company decided it was time to give back to the community and specifically sick children and their families. Case Design/Remodeling Inc. held a food drive earlier this month to benefit The Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), according to the media outlet Patch.com.
The Children’s Inn at NIH is a place where ailing children and their families can stay while the child receives treatment from the NIH. They call themselves a “place like home” where they can feel more comfortable than in a traditional hospital room or medical center. They also provide services to help families cope with the stress involved in dealing with a serious child illness. On top of providing a place to stay, the Inn offers activities, meals, gifts, comfort, and financial support.
Case Design/Remodeling does work on everything from roofing installation to kitchen remodeling. They also do vinyl siding, which has an average lifespan of 40 years, is low maintenance, and doesn’t require painting. Virtually all of their work is residential as they don’t do commercial construction.
In addition to the three trips of vast amounts of big boxes filled with groceries from the food drive the company put on, the owners, Fred and Carolyn Case made a $5 thousand donation. Apparently, business must be good, which comes as no surprise considering the roofing industry alone generates an estimated $46 billion annually in the United States.
The food they were able to collect will help support the Inn’s “Help Yourself Pantries.” These are available for parents and children who are staying there to cook and bake their favorite foods to feel more at home as well as providing an activity to keep their mind off things.
Even some of the employees of the remodeling company got into the giving spirit and donated their own money and time helping out with the drive. Another example that there are still good people in this world.