If you’re looking for Moran Wyoming real estate, there are a number of other towns that you should check out in Jackson Hole. There are a number of Jackson hole homes for sale, in Jackson, Moose, Kelly, and other towns. Jackson Hole is the valley that spans eighty miles long and fifteen wide, and Jackson is the major city in that valley. Two years ago, Jackson’s population numbered just under ten thousand. Its location offers unique advantages to Moran Wyoming real estate, as well as the Kelly wyoming real estate that is available as well. These towns have easy access both to expanses of untouched natural environment and an urban center with amenities and other benefits. The average listing price in late 2012 for Jackson WY real estate was about two and a half million, which may seem like a lot. The purchase of these Jackson Hole commercial real estate and Jackson hole luxury homes is cheaper in the long run, as Wyoming’s personal and income tax burden is the second lowest in the nation. Moran Wyoming real estate also finds itself near Grand Teton, which is where Bill Briggs made history in 1971. He was inducted into the US National Ski Hall of Fame in 2009 for being the first person to ski down the mountain.