Selling your home can take months, even years if you are unlucky enough. And when you are likely to move every five to seven years in America, that is a lot of time sitting around waiting for your current home to sell. The timescale is all over the place even as short as a few days, three to 10 days if your home is well-priced and sits in a high-demand market. The typical home sells in 3 weeks while properties in generally can take up to 6-12 months. Point being, selling a home is either going to take a week of pacing or months of stress. Luckily, you can get cash for homes in Lincoln in just a matter of days!
Yes, you read that right. You can get cash for homes in Lincoln. You can even get cash for homes in Omaha. But how?
If you browse the internet often, you might have skimmed through realty websites. You might have even stumbled across websites with that tagline “we buy homes” or “we buy houses” and maybe scoffed and went about your day. However, well known companies actually do buy your home with a simple cash offer!
Each well established company that offers a cash offer might do the three steps slightly different but the differences are small. Here are the general steps.
First, you get in touch with a representative of your choice in a well established company. You discuss your home, flaws and all. You might even have to offer pictures as well. An offer range is given to you, and if you accept the range, a visit will be schedule and you move onto the next step.
The next step involves confirming the details given during the first step. Are all the flaws accounted for? Are the good things actually true? If this goes well, an offer typically in the range you were given is then discussed and agreed upon.
Lastly, a settlement date is chosen by you, your house is bought and will receive your money in varying timelines, some as short as a day while others can take a few days.
This is great for homeowners owning a house that is older. In fact, 50 percent of houses on the market are pushing middle-age, around 37 years and older. It gives them an opportunity to sell their home without having to then sink more cash into repairs.
Find out more here.