Is It Important To Check The Ingredients In Your Paint

Painting your home is a big job and a big commitment, one that you need to know that you’re ready for before you jump into it. When you decide to paint your home it isn’t only about the color that you want. When you’re picking the correct paint, it goes deeper than it just being the right shade for your home. In fact, one of the most important pieces of information you can pick up when it comes to painting your home is knowing what is in the paint you’re using. From odorless paints to eco friendly primer, you should know the chemicals that make up what you’re using in your home and if you should concern yourself more with the types of paint in your home.

What are paints made of?
When you buy a paint it is made of a number of things. First, there is a binger in there (also known as the resin) that is the glue that sticks your paint together. It is what makes your paint harden from a liquid. Next, there is a solvent (or paint thinner) inside of the paint can that keeps your paint in its top liquid form so that it can be spread. Then, there are the pigments in the paint that add the color to it and make it your very own shade. Finally, there are also additives inside of your paint that have different characteristics that acclimate to the different types of paint that you purchase.

Are odorless paints better?

While popular belief may state that the problem with many paints come from the odor that is emitted from the paint itself when it is spread on the walls, that is not trouble. Odorless paints are just as dangerous as paints that have full scent to them, if not more dangerous. Low odor paint or even odorless paint still has all of the aspects of paint that gives off the fumes that you know to stay away from. It just simply does a better job at masking them so that you do not believe that you are actually breathing them in. All paint is to be carefully handled with as much of it not breathed in as possible.

Is low VOC paint a better alternative?

Love VOC paint can be a better alternative, however, it still includes the ingredients that you should not be breathing in, just in smaller doses. These paints may be better for you but it does not make them entirely safe paints. All of the proper precautions should be taken at all times during painting. While of course you’re looking for paint coverage, you should also make sure that the room you are painting is properly vented, that you have a mask or some other face shield that is going to protect your lungs and carefully monitor how much you are breathing in. If all of these aspects are taken you are at less risk from getting sick while painting.

Odorless paints and other types of paints that say that they are clean and okay should still be checked to the best of your abilities. Make sure that you are picking a paint that you have looked into and found out more about before painting your walls. It is never a bad idea to do as much research as possible when it comes to painting your home. Of course the coloring is important, but your health seems to take the more important spot when it comes to painting your home. Make sure you are safe and ready for this newest adventure of making your home the perfect living space with your paint. Put effort into every part of making sure that your painting experience is the best one possible.

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