After your basement has flooded, the last thing on your mind will be the long-term effects. When you come home to discover water, sewage, and who knows what else floating on the floor of your basement, all you can think to do is call a plumber or sewage service professional, and clean up the mess. After you’ve cleaned up the mess you can see, there may be a more insidious toxin brewing. While sewer line repair should be your first priority when you notice signs of sewer line problems or you see a collapsed sewer line near your home, you should place equal importance on ensuring that issues with your home sewer line or main sewer line in basement areas don’t increase your risk for mold exposure due to the damp conditions it can create.
Although some types of mold are visible to the naked eye, other types of mold are either less obvious when you see them or are difficult or impossible to see without specialized equipment. Even if you’ve gotten rid of the mold you can see or the mess you can see, you should still have professionals test the area for mold.
Mold remediation is an important task to work on if your home is showing signs of mold infestation. With the help of professionals, you can understand more about mold, including basement mold types, as well as how to deal with each one. Keep in mind that the longer you allow mold to sit undisturbed in your home, the worse it will get. This answers the question “is mold in the basement dangerous?” without a doubt. That said, look for mold removal experts as early as you can when you see the tell-tale signs of mold.
You can check online to find both professionals and remediation steps so that you know details such as how to clean mold off basement walls and more. Since there are many types of mold, the most important bit of information you’ll find is most likely to do with mold types in basement. With this knowledge, you can work on fast removal and put preventative measures in place so that your home is no longer at risk of developing mold. Remember that this may call for the use of specialized chemicals, which is the reason why it’s best to hire an expert to help you out.

Unfortunately, it appears that the first homeowners lied in the full disclosure paper they submitted when you bought the house. The untimely three inches of rain in December overwhelmed the sump pump in your walkout basement, and the resulting water damage repair indicated that this was not a first time problem. Looking back at records that you were able to get your hands on it seems that the basement had actually flooded two other times before you purchased the house. This would have been nice to know. Nice to know before you made such an investment in this second home for your family.
Water damage repair can be costly, and in some cases, unhealthy. in the process of tearing up carpet and flooring, water damage specialists often find mold, mildew, and damage from previous water events. Mold cleaning is expensive and often requires tearing out drywall and installation if the problem has existed for awhile. Home owners and their family members who are allergic to mold can suffer the entire time of the clean up, and sometimes need to leave the house until the mold clean up service is complete.
Although Mother Nature can be the cause of many incidents of water damage, other events can be just as harmful. Burst water supply lines, exploding water heaters, and home fires can also lead to whole house water damage situations.
Over half of all the water damage incidents including a washing machine were caused by a burst water supply line. If this event happens when you are out of the house, whether it be one day for work, or one week for vacation, the damage caused by leaving a washing machine running when you leave the house can be even worse. In addition to needing a carpet restoration service, the homeowner may be repairing ceilings if the leak occurred anywhere but the basement.
In addition to a burst water pipe being the cause for water damage repair, older water heaters can also create problems. In fact, any water heater that is over five years old is more likely to burst than a new water heater. Even older showers can be the cause of unseen water damage that can build up to major problems. Homes that have showers that are older than 20 years are 37% more likely to have costly water damage.
While people rightly fear fires in their homes, the water damage caused by putting out a home fire can actually cause just as much, if not more, damage than the flames of the actual fire. Did you know that in the year 2013 there was a single home fire reported every 85 seconds? The damage caused by these fires and the water needed to extinguish the flames caused over $9 million in property damage in the year 2013.
If you find yourself in need of water damage repair for your home, make sure that you find the best water damage restoration services to make sure the clean up is both thorough and quick.