On a day to day basis, you probably don’t think much about whether or not your house’s foundation is in good repair. However, your foundation is one of the most important parts of a house to maintain and monitor because it keeps your house above the ground and in one place.
You should therefore check your foundation regularly to make sure it hasn’t been damaged — you can prevent thousands of dollars in foundation repair contractors’ fees this way.
Here are the four most tell-tale signs that your house’s foundation has been damaged:
1. Water in your basement: Water can seep into a basement through cracks in your foundation — so if you notice puddles or pools of water in your basement, you should consult foundation repair contractors or a basement waterproofing company for water proofing solutions. Fixing basement leaks now can help you prevent further damage from occurring!
2. Visible mold: Black mold growth is essentially a direct result of water and foundational damage in a basement. Mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours in some cases. Mold and mildew can be hazardous to your health or your family’s — in addition to contacting foundation repair contractors, you should also hire a mold removal company.
3. Doors and windows won’t open or close right: If your doors and windows aren’t closing or opening properly, it probably means your foundation is sinking. While foundation repair from foundation repair contractors at this point is costly, it’s necessary to make sure further damage doesn’t take place.
4. Cracks in walls: Whether you see cracks in the walls of your basement or in the upper part of your home, they’re most often signs of foundation damage. Foundation repair contractors can seal up the cracks and keep more foundational damage at bay. Learn more at this link.