Many people ask what it costs to build a replica of the Shelby Cobra after watching the video of its construction. This article addresses that query, although the figures will be a close estimate and not the exact cost.
When you visit the Factory Five website, which is the largest producer of the Cobra replica kits, a complete kit costs $19,900. However, their Cobra kit is just the starting point. Additional parts are needed and are not included in their pricing, which increases the cost.
All that said, if you have an old 1990s Mustang in your garage or are willing to find and restore parts from your local salvage yard, you can purchase a basic Cobra kit for somewhere around $12,000 to achieve an approximate figure of $25,000 in total expenses.
Without the suspension, drivetrain, wiring, and a few other minor parts, you can purchase all the components necessary to assemble a Cobra for around $15,000. You can create a basic FFR Cobra by purchasing a damaged 5.0 or 4.6 Mustang and restoring the suspension, engine, transmission, and wiring. Your dream car doesn’t have to stay a dream.