Waste and trash removal is a big industry. From the curbside pick up of the weekly trash that home owners take to the curb to the high volume disposal of large corporations, waste removal is important to cities of all sizes. In fact, one of the most lucrative contract is the one that is issued to the trash removal company.
Whether you put your garbage and your recyclables on the curb on Monday mornings or you are a large company that has daily pick ups scheduled, it is important that pick ups happen when they are supposed to. In fact, when winter weather interrupts a scheduled pick up the news about updates are so important that they often appear on the area local news reports. When a holiday lands on a trash pick up day, those changes make the news as well.
Trash Pick Up and Recycling Companies Provide Needed Services to Cities of All Sizes
Although trash sorting takes a little more time, it is important to our environment that we sort anything that can be recycled and limit the amount of waste that is taken to the dump. If you live in a city or a neighborhood that does not yet recycle, it might be time to see of you can change that.
Consider these facts about the waste management industry in America and how it continues to offer an increasing number of recycling and pick up options:
- $11.5 billion is spent on cleaning up litter every year.
- Over nine cubic yards of landfill space is saved every time a single ton of cardboard is recycled.
- 87% of Americans have access to drop-off paper recycling or curbside programs.
- On average, it costs $50 a ton to send trash to a landfill, but it costs only $30 per a ton to recycle trash.
- The average American will throw away 600 times the amount of his or her adult weight in garbage in a lifetime.
- Only 25% to 55% of all waste generated in large cities is collected by municipal, not private, authorities, according to the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements.
If you have ever come home from work to trash blowing down the street, you know the sinking feeling of wondering if it is your trash that blew through the neighborhood before it got picked up. If you have ever come home to all of your garbage can lids missing, you know the frustration of driving through the neighborhood to see if you can find them.