It may seem like the most reasonable thing in the world to buy a previously-owned home rather than any of the new construction homes or even gated community homes for sale you see on the market. After all, a brand new home just about has to cost more. Right?
Well, let’s ignore for a moment the fact that brand new homes actually don’t cost more across the board than previously-owned homes, and instead focus on just a couple of the things that can make previously-owned homes inherently more expensive than brand new homes — both at the beginning and in the long run.
Custom Designing vs. Retrofitting. One of the major advantages of buying a new home is the fact that you can have design input before the home is even built. Sure, a good contractor can renovate a previously-owned home to suit your needs, but that can take time, cost more money, and cause huge amounts of stress during the process. Why not invest in a home that’s the way you want it to be, right from the start? You may not get that third basement or that professional observatory you’ve always dreamed of, but you will have a lot less work to do to make your new home your own.
Basic Maintenance Issues. Similarly, a previously-owned home comes with years worth of previously-owned issues and previously-owned baggage. If you’re lucky, these problems will only be costly. If you’re not lucky, they can be actual barriers to you moving into your home on time. Choosing a brand new home, with no previous owners, is the best way to ensure that your home is up-to-date, up-to-code, and up to your standards, with no fixing, patching, or adjusting necessary.
Whether you’re looking for a gated community, a suburban paradise, or comfortable nest of centrally located townhomes for sale, the advantages of buying a new home are clear. Add to that the fact that a brand new home is actually comparable in price to many previously-owned homes, and your decision gets a whole lot easier.