Many city and government officials across the country fear of an expensive crisis in the near future.
As indicated by the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, many of the water pipes in this country are decades old and no longer provide the safe and healthy drinking water that we expect and demand. Although Flint, Michigan, has received the greatest coverage in the last few years, a growing number of local and federal officials warn of a time when many, if not a majority, of the largest cities in the nation will need to make plans for the install and repair of sewer and water pipes.
Some economists and local officials, in fact, contend that a major public works program operated throughout the entire country could be needed for the install and repair of sewer and water pipes, as well as other infrastructure improvements.
Although most individual homeowners have think of the smaller in house plumbing and temperature control work that they need to address, like water pipes, tankless water heaters, and furnace and air conditioning installations, the nation as a whole may need to prepare to make sure that it is ready to financially address some major health concerns when it comes to the safety of the water that we use in our daily lives. The install and repair of sewer and water pipes will likely be a major budget concern for cities both large and small in all parts of the country. In a time when local contractors encourage home owners to be proactive about the maintenance of the heating, cooling, and water pipes in their own homes, the fear is that on a larger scale no city budget is prepared for the install and repair of sewer and water pipes. A process that will not only be expensive, but time consuming as well.
What Is the Status of the Drinking Water Where You Live?
Much of the focus on individual homeowners when it comes to plumbing, heating, and cooling is on efficiency and cost. In a time when the newest technologies can provide toilets that require smaller amounts of water for every flush, air conditioning and heating units that require less energy to operate, and water heaters that have larger capacities, it is easy to think that these are the most important issues. In reality, however, the quality and safety of the water that comes into a home, business, or government facility is probably just as, if not more, important.
For example, the fact that most tankless water heaters have a life expectancy of more than 20 years pales in comparison to the questions of the quality and safety of that water that fills the bathtubs that we bathe in and the sinks that we wash dishes in. Pipe lining and excavation services, in fact, find that all do often merely replacing the old pipes on an individual property is of little consequence when the city pipes that serve as a source for that water are corroded. The newest pipes and the most efficient heating, cooling, and plumbing systems might only be serving the purpose of bringing contaminated water into your home in a faster more efficient method.
How much time have you spent researching the safety of the water in the city where you live? Regular and required reports often indicate a less than perfect water situation even when that water is legally safe. As more and more cities address water crisis situations like those experienced in Flint, Michigan, voters across the country may force their elected officials to deal with one of the more pressing issues of our time: the health and safety of the water that we use for cooking, for bathing, and for drinking. Just as many officials knew of the problem with the Flint, Michigan, water supply long before it was reported by the mainstream news, is it possible that other locations are already the victims of unhealthy, underreported contaminated drinking water?
Not willing to take the risk, many home owners already employ their own water filtration systems in their homes and places where they work. Few things are as important to the safety of our families than the water that we consume.