3 Benefits of Having Your Commercial Floors Coated

Concrete floor coating

Every business owner wants to see their company continuing to thrive. You might be surprised to know that you can have a lot of stressful situations avoided by having commercial floor coatings installed. With that in mind, it’s understandable to wonder what the benefits are of keeping all floors within your workplace adequately coated. Considering that, here are three beneficial reasons to protect your flooring with commercial floor coatings.

  1. Preventing Workplace Injuries From Taking Place

    It’s wise for business owners to ensure they are doing everything possible to keep their employees safe. In fact, statistics show that slips or fall are the leading causes of accidents in both restaurants and hotels. With that in mind, many business owners utilize floor coatings in order to keep their commercial properties safe. You’ll find that these floor coatings helps to ensure that both workers and customers remain safe while in one of your commercial properties.
  2. Eliminating Expenses Associated With Injured Workers

    Statistics show that 85% of all worker’s compensation claims involve workers slipping on slick floors. With that in mind, having commercial floor coatings installed will help drastically reduce the chance of workers slipping or falling while working for your business. In turn, having your floors protected helps you to rest assured that workers will remain safe while on the clock.
  3. Reducing the Overall Cost of Employee Downtime

    Another reason you’ll want to ensure that employees remain safe is to avoid costly worker downtime. In fact, statistics show that 22% of incidents in which a worker either slips or falls results in over 31 days away from work. Considering that, it’s wise to implement commercial floor coatings that help ensure workers avoid dangerous slipping accidents. For instance, workers standing around on concrete would benefit from having concrete floor coatings installed.

To summarize, there are several beneficial reasons to consider having commercial floor coatings installed at your business. These types of floors help to prevent injuries from happening in the workplace. In turn, this help to ensure that your business doesn’t get involved in costly employee injury claims. Lastly, these floor coatings can help to prevent costs and added stress associated with extended employee downtime.

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