Thanks to the Polar Vortex, Winter Storm Titan, and just an overall frigid and tough winter, most homeowners haven’t spent much, if any, time thinking about their air conditioning systems. However, with the calendar turning to April and warm weather approaching, now is a good time to get your home ready for the hot summer months. Experts say that you should get your residential HVAC system inspected and repaired during the spring, rather than waiting until you’re stuck sweating in your home, so you shouldn’t wait much longer. Getting some assistance from air conditioning companies now, rather than in July or August, will help make sure you’re ready if the summer turns out to be as harsh as the winter.
One of the common tasks that needs to be done in the spring to make sure AC units are able to pump out cold, refreshing air all summer is taking the time to replace AC coils. According to Trane, coils are the “unsung heroes” of your AC system as they are essential for temperature control. Basically, they act as a heat exchange by absorbing heat as it enters your system and releasing refrigerant. When coils are worn down or no longer functioning properly, they will need to be replaced.
Coils will vary in price, and you’ll have to find the right one for your specific system if you can’t make a repair. If you have to hire a professional for installation, you can probably expect to spend around $300, depending on the item you purchase and whether or not the AC professional gives you a bit of a discount. However, by helping your AC unit run more efficiently, new coils will not only keep you cool, but possibly help cut down utility bills in the summer.
Sometimes, if you don’t want to replace AC coils, cleaning air conditioner coils might be an option. The difficulty and time requirement will change based on specific systems, but usually it is a project that any DIYer can handle. Eventually, you will likely need to replace the coils, even if you regularly clean them. But AC coil cleaning could buy you a little extra time — and cold air — during the summer.
AC has been around for a long time, and the first window unit was actually developed in 1932. Over the years, they have been tweaked and improved to keep your home cooler and use less energy. However, even the most well-built units will need a bit of maintenance and upgrades every now and then. Before the hottest months of the year arrive, check to make sure you don’t need to replace AC coils or fix any other problems.