When Was the Last Time You Faced a Difficult Housing Problem?

After one day of driving and three days of nonstop packing in an unventilated apartment, the chance to sit and watch three guys move and tetris all your stuff into three temporary storage boxes for two hours was a more glorious treat than you could have ever imagined. Now to the next phase: air mattress and couch surfing until Sunday when these same guys come and put all my stuff into your new place!

The icing on the cake today was when your current landlord came to show a prospective tenant one of the other apartments, and acted like he did not know I was moving even though my lawyer sent him official notice almost a month ago and the code enforcement officer sent him notice to fix the water heater and other things within 30 days more than a month before that and you have been asking him to make the place livable for at least a month before that. As it stands, he is threatening to sue you for the remainder of your lease. Obviously, you are documenting everything, and asking all of your friends to send good vibes.

What Are the Current Financial Challenges You Are Facing?

Food insecurity.

Limited or low access to food.
No matter what down to earth or politically correct term that is used, families who do not have enough food face great challenges.

Fortunately, there are many local organizations that are attempting to fill in the gap that many families face when it comes to putting food on the table. From donated food items to needed clothing, furniture, and household items, there are many times when a community will have resources that can help people get the help they need.

From veterans and their families who are struggling to make ends meet to families who have been displaced because of flooding, fire, or other natural disasters, there are many times when people in our very own communities are looking for help.

Local Food Banks, Churches, and Homeless Shelters Offer a Number of Resources

For any family that is struggling to put food on the table, an unexpected and expensive hot water heater emergency can be a real problem. In fact, there are many people who find themselves facing difficult situations when it comes to rentals as well. From air conditioners that do not work to hot water heaters that are a safety hazard, there are many problems that both property owners and property renters might face.
From expensive plumbing services that are required to replace a hot water heater to making sure that you have the sump pump repairs that are needed to keep your space save, it is important to make sure that you find a way to work with the right kind of contractor. Especially if you are limited in the funds that you have, it is important to know that you are working with both a competent and reputable builder or contractor.

Consider these facts and figures about the many ways that plumbing improvements can help home owners and property renters have the most success in the current space:

  • Household leaks in the U.S. can waste nearly 900 billion gallons a year, and pose a dangerous health hazard if mold and mildew develop.
  • One single toilet flush uses six and a half gallons of water, so it may come as no surprise that the average American uses between 140 and 170 gallons of water every day.
  • Showering and bathing account for 27% of the most indoor water use in the U.S.
  • A family of four uses an average of 881 gallons of water every week flushing the toilet.

Where do you go for the help you need when it comes to making sure that your family has the food that you need, as well as a safe and healthy place to live. In a time when the divide between the haves and the have nots is greater than ever before, it is important to know that there are resources available. From plumbers to help with hot water heaters to food pantries to help with the most difficult months, it is important that you check local resources to know if there is available assistance.

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