Three Popular Types of Privacy Fences — the Best Kept Secret in the Landscape Industry

Fences for homes

Privacy fences are the best kept secret of the landscaping industry, as they can make homes much more enjoyable for a number of reasons, but are too rarely installed. First of all, they can act as a barrier against unwanted noises when the right materials are used. Secondly, they can make sure animals and children stay in the yard, where they can be kept an eye on. Thirdly, each of the different, attractive fence styles can make yards all the more aesthetically pleasing.

What’s more, privacy fences can be built with a wide number of construction materials. Here are just a few of the best ones you might want to consider using.

Wooden Fences.

Wooden fences are far and away the most popular type of privacy fence. They’re traditional look works well with the vast majority of houses, and because wood is a renewable resource, they’re quite cost efficient. However, these fences also require yearly maintenance. Wood can rot, get eaten by termites, and wind up warping from exposure to the elements.

Vinyl Fences.

Vinyl fences are an attractive alternative to wood fences. Not only are vinyl fences available in more colors than wooden fences, they’re also more durable, which means they’re lower maintenance. Once vinyl fences are installed, homeowners need not worry as much about taking care of them. That being said, vinyl fences do cost a bit more than wooden fences since they’re such a superior alternative.

Wrought Iron Fences.

Wrought iron fences are easily the best type of privacy fence, but are also the single most expensive. These elegant, graceful fences can add add a sense of class and prestige to any home they’re built around, and can also provide ample protection against intruders. However, wrought iron itself costs quite a bit, and the installation costs are much more than wooden and vinyl fences’ are.

Wooden fences are a cost efficient way to get the job done, but do require maintenance. Vinyl fences cost a bit more, but are far easier to take care. Wrought iron fences are expensive, but well worth the investment if they can be afforded.

In the end, the decision comes down to one thing, and one thing only: your preference.

If you need help deciding which material would work best with your home, feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

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