Starting Your DIY Landscaping Project

Tampa fill dirt

Have you avoided your garden DIY list this year? You are likely not alone. Many homeowners plan to update or clean up their gardens at the first sign of warm weather. Yet, many fail to actually do this. Other DIY responsibilities get in the way, or you simply do not know where to begin. Gardening takes some amount of knowledge. Without this knowledge, you are simply guessing at what might work and what might not work. Remember the following tips as you prepare to finally tackle that garden task.

Just jump in
The more that you put off your gardening project, the longer it will take. You will always find excuses to put it off. If your main excuse is lack of knowledge, you need to take the first step to start somewhere. Begin reading gardening webpages. Subscribe to a couple of different gardening magazines. Ask questions on local forums. Look for images of desired gardens. These resources will not only give you beginner information to begin your project, but will also give you the inspiration you need to plan your garden.

Invest in good dirt
As you are learning to garden, you might find it difficult to grow some flowers and plants. Some garden items simply do not grow, regardless of how much water you give them. A healthy garden starts with good dirt. The good dirt acts as a nutrient to your landscaping and will encourage growth. Soil for gardening is evaluated on two basic features, fertility and texture. The healthiest landscaping soil contains 45% minerals, 25% water, 25% air, and 5% organic matter. There are also different types of fill dirt available and it should be of high quality for optimal growth.

Water frequently
One of the most common mistakes that new gardeners make is not watering enough. Do not skip a watering day because you think that it rained the day before. Landscaping dirt can only hold so much water, so even if it did rain the previous day, it still needs water today. Keep a watering can nearby for easy daily watering. If you do not have the time to water daily, outsource the task to a family member, your spouse, or a professional landscaping company. Failing to regularly water wastes all the time and effort you put into your initial garden.

Research types of flowers and plants
Another common mistake is planting flowers or plants that do not grow well to your environment. Different flowers require different weather conditions to fully grow. You will see better results within your garden if you plant landscaping items that are native to your state. You can usually find this information in local gardening forums or from your local landscape supply store. You can usually identify the native landscaping items by their availability. Plants that do not grow as well will be harder to come by.

Remember landscaping improves your value
If you still need that extra motivation to complete your gardening DIY project, remember that landscaping improves your home?s value. In fact, the return odds are very good. Spending as little as 5% of your home?s value on landscaping may get an ROI of as much as 150%. Well maintained gardens attract buyers, increase offer prices, and reduce the amount of time the house is on the market.

The best way to begin your landscaping project is to jump right in. If you continue to put it off, the garden will get more out of control and you will never see any progress. Educate yourself on native flowers and plants and the best gardening techniques. Always invest in high quality fertilizer and dirt to encourage growth. Finally, remember that your efforts will be highly rewarded, as you are likely to see a significant increase in your home?s value upon completing your landscaping project.

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