Minerals, Bacteria And Contaminants Is Your Home Providing Clean Water?

Uv water treatment systems

Clean water is essential to living a healthy life. When your water’s quality is reduced, your home’s livelihood is threatened and your health put in jeopardy. Everything from minerals to bacteria growth to contaminants can affect your water quality. Thankfully, the best whole home water filtration systems do the work of reducing contaminants in your water supply and creating a healthier home from the inside out. If you’re unfamiliar with the process of a whole home water purification system or how it will keep your family healthy, read below to learn more about the gift of clean water and how it keeps on giving.

Water In The Home

The average American will use 100 gallons of water a day in their home alone. From cooking to cleaning to bathing, water is used for a variety of daily tasks and needs to be properly maintained through the best whole home water filtration systems. The average daily household water usage reaches 350 gallons, that of which can significantly increase depending on family size. Your water should have significantly reduced contaminants, low mineral count and regularly cleaned filters. A home water distiller, UV purification system and everpure water filter are a few resources you can use.

Your Body’s Natural Systems

The human body is composed primarily of water. It stands to reason that the water you drink and bathe with can positively or negatively impact your health in the long-run depending on the quality of your home water filtration. Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose a mere 2% of your body’s natural water content. Despite this, it’s not uncommon for professional athletes to lose up to 6%, even 10%, of their water weight via sweating. Dehydration impairs many aspects of higher brain function and is something that needs to be routinely avoided during hotter seasons and extreme exercise.

Identifying Hard Water And Minerals

Do you notice a white or gray scum building up on your shower walls? How about along your faucets, bathtub or sink? This is a common sign of hard water, a term for when your water has an excess of minerals that are not properly being filtered out. Hardness is caused by compounds of both calcium and magnesium as well as a few other metals. The general guidelines for classifying waters are 0 to 60 mg/L (or milligrams per liter) to be classified as soft, while 61 to 120 mg/L is considered moderately hard and 121 to 180 as hard.

Common Contaminants And Reduction

The best whole home water filtration systems need to significantly reduce the amount of contaminants in your water. Studies have shown there are more than 2100 known drinking water contaminants present in tap water alone, those of which include several known poisons. Reverse osmosis is a pressurized system that passes impure water through a semi-permeable membrane, thus removing many of the impurities in water by up to 90%. An activated carbon filter also needs to be replaced constantly or cleaned out with chlorinated water as not to provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

Using The Best Whole Home Water Systems

A family’s home water system should achieve multiple standards every day. Bacteria should be kept to a minimum, with this figure possible with clean or replaced filters. Hard water can be reduced back to soft water by filtering out minerals, while a proper temperature can also discourage the development of harmful bacteria. Fluoride is useful for keeping clean teeth — the EPA has an enforceable drinking water standard for fluoride at 4 mg/L, as anything higher can create bone disease. Healthy water is more than just a luxury. It’s a standard for life.

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