How to Reduce Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents Use Adhesive Bath Mats and Other Important Safety Measures

The Department of Labor reported that the second major cause of accidental death arises from injuries sustained when someone slips, trips, and falls. About 25% of the workplace injury claims reported every year are due to falling. According to the National Safety Council, the cost of addressing these falling injuries amounts to roughly $70 billion a year.

On an annual basis, slips, trips, and falls lead to roughly 12,000 workplace injuries. Over 17% of the injuries that cause workers to experience some type of disability are due to falling, however. Since the possibility of falling increases for every ten years of a person’s life, it’s not surprising that individuals 55 and older are more susceptible to becoming injured due to slipping.

Slip, trip, and fall injuries can of course occur on the same or on an elevated level. Approximately 35% of these types of injuries have occurred when people have slipped, tripped, or fallen from elevated levels. Roughly 65% of these injuries occurred as a result of someone falling on a non-elevated or the same level.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, both floors and flooring materials can contribute to falls. Every year, for example, over two million falls have been directly attributed to these causes. In order to address this issue in particular and create a safer work environment, signs need to be posted to indicate when floors are wet or if there are other issues. In addition to this, it’s vital to have repairs taken care of as soon as possible.

If you’re in charge of managing a hotel for example, you want to make sure that there are safety measures in place for your guests as well as your employees. When adhesive bath mats are located in every tub or shower stall, this can assist with preventing slip and fall accidents. Adhesive bath mats are also easy to install because they are peel and stick bath mats and don’t require additional tools and solvents. Adhesive bath mats can also be used in other areas where water collects.

When there is a pool or other recreational area located at your establishment, using safety treads for outdoor steps can assist with preventing people from slipping and falling up or down stairs. Anti slip covers for steps are also available for indoor steps. Since there are so many products available that can assist with creating a safer environment, once you review the catalogue and speak with a customer service representative, you will be able to learn more. In the event that you have a specific safety concern, be sure to address this when you call.

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