Here are 3 Signs Your Foundation is In Need of Repair

One of the most important parts of the home is the foundation, upon which the entire house rests. There are three primary forms of home foundation: crawl spaces, slabs, and full basements. The status of the foundation is directly tied to the structural integrity of the house; if the foundation becomes damaged, the house in turn can become damaged. Because it’s so important to keep the home’s foundation in good repair, it’s important to know the signs that indicate the foundation is damaged. This article will look at some of the signs that indicate your home’s foundation needs to be repaired.

  • Cracks are Forming: One sign that you need to call foundation repair contractors is if cracks begin to form in the walls or bottom of the foundation. No matter if they’re small cracks or large cracks, any cracks in the foundation should prompt a phone call to a company specializing in foundation repair services. The cracks will also need to be examined to see if they’re a symptom of a larger problem before they are fixed.
  • Parts of the Foundation are Sinking: Another sign that you need to call foundation repair contractors is if you notice that parts of the foundation are sinking. Sometimes, if the ground underneath the foundation becomes unstable, parts of the foundation will begin to sink, making the surface uneven and broken. The best way to fix this problem is to use house leveling to raise the house and foundation back up to the proper level before reinforcing the ground underneath to prevent it from happening again.
  • Water Damage: And finally, a third sign that you need to call foundation repair contractors is if you notice an unusual amount of water damage in the foundation or the basement. Some water damage is to be expected; of all homes with basements, over 98% will experience some type of water damage. However, if it’s an unusual amount of damage, then there might be a weakness or flaw in the foundation that needs to be repaired. One of the best ways to fix this problem is to use basement waterproofing services to make the interior and exterior of the foundation waterproof. This process is not always foolproof but it usually protects against most types of water damage.

In conclusion, there are several signs that can indicate your home’s foundation needs to be repaired. These signs include, but are far from limited to: cracks forming the foundation, parts of the foundation sinking, and water damage throughout the foundation. These signs should be kept in mind because they can all indicate that serious problems are forming in your home’s foundation.

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