Here are 3 Benefits of Placing a Screen around Your Outdoor Pool or Patio

When given the opportunity, many home owners like to have a swimming pool or outdoor patio installed outside their home. Swimming is, after all, the fourth most popular sports activity in the United States. However, after the swimming pool or patio is in place, many homeowners don’t like to stop there. They also like to install pool screens or a bug screen for patio. These are large panels of screen mesh that can be placed around and above a swimming pool or outdoor patio, completely enclosing the area. They might seem unnecessary, but there are actually many benefits that come from using a bug screen for patio or a swimming pool. This article will take a look at a few of those benefits.

  • It Keeps the Mosquitos Out: One benefit of using a bug screen for patio or an outdoor swimming pool is that the screen can keep mosquitos away from the area. It’s estimated there are 200 million insects for each human on Earth, and few are more annoying than the blood-sucking mosquito. Pool screens can be used to block out the swimming pool area and prevent mosquitos from getting in and bothering people who just want to relax and swim.
  • It Keeps Debris and Leaves Out of the Area: Another benefit of using a bug screen for patio or an outdoor swimming pool is that the screen can keep debris and leaves out of the pool and patio area. This is a huge benefit since the screen works to keep the area clean by preventing leaves and small pieces of debris from blowing into the area. And it also helps the pool stay clean for longer periods of time.
  • Screens Can Help Turn the Patio Into a Sun Room: And finally, a third benefit of using a bug screen for patio or an outdoor swimming pool is that the screens can be used to help turn the area into a sun room. A sun room is a room of the house walled with screens or windows that can be used for relaxation purposes. A sun room can be a regular sitting area, like a patio, or it can include a swimming pool. In either case, a sun room allows homeowners to enjoy the warm sunshine without the irritants that come from being outside.

In conclusion, there are several benefits that come from using a bug screen for a patio or a swimming pool. These benefits include keeping mosquitos away from the area, keeping debris and leaves from cluttering the pool or patio, and screens can be used to turn these areas into a sun room attached to the house. These are all benefits that can be reaped from using screen mesh to enclose these outdoor areas.

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