Elevators are a way of life.
Sound a little extreme? Far from it. Think about the last time you needed to use an elevator to get where you need to go. From one floor to the next in your hotel room to the elevator you take every day to get to your cubicle…this is a form of technology we’re quite lucky to have. With the United States facing a handful of hurdles over the next few decades and technology struggling to keep up, changing the way we look at elevators can be a major boon in making sure everyone has access to this useful form of transportation.
Let’s learn some fun facts about elevators in the home, buildings and construction sites the country over.
Elevators Are Safer Than Escalators
This might be the strangest fact on the list. Elevators are actually much safer than escalators! How much safer? Recent studies have found the chance of minor to severe injury on an elevator is as much as 20 times lower than an escalator. Next time you’re afraid to get in a lift because you might get stuck inside, remember that the odds of that happening are incredibly low (and there are security measures to make sure you’re brought right back out in no time should the worst come to pass).
Elevators Are Used On A Constant Basis
This may seem obvious. Of course elevators are used on a regular basis. You just used one the other day! These figures are much higher than you give them credit for, however, and prove just how essential your average elevator company is. In three days’ time the world’s elevators will carry the equivalent of the earth’s population. Need more numbers? Over 18 billion elevator trips are take in the United States alone each and every year.
Elevators In The Home Are Increasing
With the United States facing a rapidly aging population the function of elevators in the home is becoming harder to ignore. Worldwide sales of elevators (as well as similar constructions like moving stairways) are expected to grow to $125 billion by the time 2021 arrives. While that sounds like plenty of time to prepare, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Hiring a professional for elevator maintenance when a family member wants to age in place should be done as soon as possible to create a smooth transition.
Elevators Have Been Around A Long Time
Think elevators are a brand new construction? Not so fast. While the modern elevator is a feat of engineering and design, the function of the lift has been around for a lot longer than you may think. Lifts used to be operated through pulling, rolling and lifting, with later constructions adding steam technology and water technology to the mix. The very first public building elevator was installed in a nine-story building in, where else, New York City. For those that want to learn more about elevators in the home and general maintenance…
Residential Elevators Are Durable, But Should Be Tested Regularly
…it never hurts to be extra careful. While today’s elevators are much safer, faster and smoother than they’ve ever been, they’re still complex forms of machinery that require a careful eye. Home elevators, due to their frequency of use, should have basic maintenance done every 12 months (or sooner, depending on your unique home set-up). An elevator more than 20 years old is a good candidate for a modern touch, as well. Even specific states can require different things, such as Washington stating Cat 1 testing be done every year and Cat 5 testing every five years.
Know more about elevators than you could ever care to? The future is looking pretty bright for our favorite form of short-term, day-to-day transportation.