The human race has always needed energy for work, and the Industrial Revolution was the first major step forward in generating power on a large scale, with steam power. In the late 1800s, electricity was properly harnessed, and by the 20th century, modern fossil fuel power plants were in operation across the developed world. However, these plants often come under criticism mainly due to their constant emissions, and climate change advocates urge developed nations to transition to cleaner energy sources. Doing this may not only cut back on pollution, but also spur new technological development, too. Wind farms and solar panels are often the key to this, and solar energy has proven itself popular across the United States and indeed the world. Repairing solar panels can also be done if these panels go faulty, and crews can be hired for repair and installation jobs as needed. A solar installer crew may also set up battery backup for a house’s solar panels, in need be. Why might battery backup be necessary? And what else are solar panels capable of?
On Solar Energy
The technology for solar panels dates back to the 1970s, though it wasn’t until the 2000s or so when the technology became fully viable to start replacing fossil fuel power plants and commercial power grids for homes and businesses. By now, the technology is advanced enough, and the cost low enough, so that nations around the world are eagerly adopting the technology. What are the advantages of phasing out fossil fuel plants in favor of solar panel arrays? For one, as mentioned earlier, solar panels eliminate the pollution that fossil fuel plants are known for. Such plants release a lot of gases, but solar panels (and wind farms too) never create any byproducts or pollution during their work. Not even the largest solar array will create any harmful gases or liquids during work.
Another perk is the generous supply of solar power. A coal seam or oil patch may be mined dry, but the sun never will be exhausted of power by human hands. The sun exists on a truly astronomical scale, and it is going to shine for another five billion years. More solar energy flows across the Earth than is used in all of industrial civilization, meaning that solar power alone could power all of human civilization with plenty to spare. Solar power is limited only by humanity’s capacity to harvest it. With all this in mind, what are the best ways to set up solar panels to collect that bountiful solar energy?
Solar Arrays Big and Small
How can these panels be set up just right? Solar technology is flexible, and arrays may be scaled up or down as needed. On the smallest scale, residential houses can have a few solar panels installed on the roof and collect enough power for that home alone. An interested homeowner can look up solar installation companies to help out, and experts will first set up the brackets, then put the solar panels in place (along with their wiring). Once inspectors approve the entire setup, the panels are switched on and the house is disconnected from the power grid entirely.
Such solar panels might get some backup. Sheer cloud cover can limit their power output sometimes, and of course the panels won’t generate power at night. As a secondary option, battery backup can be installed. Such battery backup will collect energy from the solar panels to charge up, and if the house needs power when the sun is down, the house may make use of that battery power. This prevents blind spots in the solar array’s work.
Commercial buildings can also make use of solar panel arrays, and such arrays can exist on an even larger scale, too. Out in the wilderness, beyond urban areas, hug4er arrays of hundreds or even thousands of solar panels may work to collect solar energy on a massive scale. All of this power can supply entire city blocks or neighborhood at a time, allowing them to replace fossil fuel plants. Often, states such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California have the open space and ample sunlight (and lack of cloud cover) necessary for this sort of work. This goes a long way in curbing emissions.