For What Will You Need Plumbing Services?
A plumber contractually fixes any household pipes that transport water. Leaky faucets; flooded basements; and perpetually cold showers are within their realm. At times, you may think that a job is an easy do-it-yourself project. Always remember that time and frustration are not monetary values, but you will pay in them when you undertake an unfamiliar task. By comparison, a contractor may seem like a bargain. Try to get a quote before undertaking the job yourself, if only to compare to the cost of materials and time it takes you. That way, if the problem happens again, there is already data for an accurate comparison.
Get Energy Efficient, Starting With Your Water Tank.
Have you considered tankless water heaters? These work by heating water as it is needed, on average at a rate of about two to five gallons per minute. They last up to 20 years when properly maintained, and are energy efficient. In a typical family home that uses less than 41 gallons of water a day, a savings of between 24% to 34% compared to a traditional tank heater is observed on monthly utility bills. You might be wondering what the catch is, and it is this: tankless water heaters do take some time to warm up. Some estimates give a conservative three to five minutes.
Heated Floors Are an Affordable Luxury Within Your Reach.
Do heated floors seem like an unparalleled luxury? They are actually remarkably practical. This type of flooring uses radiant heating, which has a host of benefits. Regular heating blows warm air down and around. While this method has widespread use and results in a cozy house, it is not without its problems. People regularly complain of dry winter skin, which is in part caused by hot dry air. Another problem is that this method can be inefficient.
Heated floors work by forcing hot water through pipes. So any repairs may fall under plumbing services, it is true. Radiant heating works well at avoiding some of the common problems associated with heating a home. However, this method works best for smaller homes with divided rooms. Large open floor plans with high ceilings will not see a savings on utility bills, as the open areas are more difficult to heat evenly from the bottom up.
No one enjoys needing plumbing services (well, maybe your local plumber enjoys when you need them). You can go the self-reliant route and attempt to fix a running toilet or leaky faucet yourself. But for bigger jobs, it is better to call in an expert. When you do, ask about installing a tankless water heater. Becoming more energy efficient pays you back on your utility bills. And finally, your dream of warm toes on a winter’s morning may be more achievable than you previously thought. Call your local plumber to find out what can benefit you.